Monday, September 2, 2013

passing fascinations: galaxie 500

This is my first of hopefully many "passing fascinations". Due to life, I have struggled with finding the time and sometimes the motivation to stay ceaselessly devoted to this little blog. However, posting to it is something that I really enjoy. Often times, one simple post will turn into an extensive piece of writing, a huge collaborative effort, or anything else that embodies my obsessively thorough virgo tendencies. "Passing fascinations" is my quick and brief way of sharing the various little fixations which color my daily world. Once or twice a month I will post an album/song/or band I've been listening to, a book I read recently, an article, or any other little thing I find interesting that doesn't need a detailed description/ reflection to go along with it.

  • 1986-1991
  • formed in cambridge, massachusetts, met in new york city at dalton high school, all attended harvard university together (holy shit) 
  • genre: dream pop, slowcore (they signaled the shoegazer and slow core movements of the 90s) 
  • band members: drummer: damon krukowski vocalist/guitarist: dean wareham bassist: naomi yang
  • identified influences: jonathan richman and the velvet underground (all hail) 
  • dreamy, enigmatic, eerie, slow moving, ambient

"Today" is their first album and was released in 1998 under Aurora Records. "Flowers", the first tune, and "King of Spain" (skip to 36:32 if you are impatient) are my favorite favorite song on this album, makes me feel warm as shit on the inside, I can't get enough of this record right now. ah.

"When new bands play guitar music heavy on reverb and slow in tempo-- a combination that drapes tunes in a sublimely druggy dream-pop haze-- I can be slow to embrace them. It's not that there isn't plenty of good music in this vein being made. It's that one band, 20 years ago, did this sound so well and with so much personality, they set a difficult standard for newcomers to meet." -pitchfork talking about galaxie 500 read the review of their short but very influential career here

© Sakaye 2013. All rights reserved.

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