Saturday, April 20, 2013

suburbs to city (kaitlin christy on NYC vs. LA)

 Glamour goddess, flower child, and the sweetest girl you'll ever meet- 18 year old Kaitlin Christy's edgy, free spirited photography is taking on the big apple and singing fuck the haters; proving to everyone that a private school girl from suburban Pasadena can make a colossal dive into NYC's fashion scene.

Fabulously clothed in lace, leather, and a red beanie Christy embodies an eager, young manhattan resident. She spits out minimum one hundred words per minute over a cigarette and a soy latte, and is inspiringly fervent & eloquent about fashion, photography, writing, and the crazy people that surround her in her new home in Greenwich Village. 

  Q. How has living in NYC inspired you personally and artistically? 
A: Living in New York City I become inspired just walking down the street, the people, the vibrance, and personalities combining with the skyline... I am always wanting to experiment with fashion... [and] all the style makes walking around new york so exciting. It is almost impossible not to be inspired by the art galleries, street performers, fashion shows, concerts, everything just centers around the city... 
Q: What is the biggest difference between LA and NYC?  
A: Well, It's all about the energy. Pasadena/ LA [in general] is lovely because of its relaxed nature. However, LA is spread out and in New York everything is a taxi, or subway ride away. The accessibility of some many different facets of entertainment and culture makes New York such a special place. 
Q: Was your transition to NYC difficult? 
A: In all honesty is was pretty easy. I knew that New York was the place for me & it was, right away. 


      As a born and raised Los Angelino and a New Yorker at heart I present to a collection of little things we love (and hate) about the American paradises for art, business, fashion and culture. 
                       artwork by claire calvert

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