If you are a little introspective, spiritual, or just confused than you probably know your zodiac sign & all the qualities it beholds. You might catch yourself reading your daily horoscope or looking up your crush's zodiac sign in hope of some romantic clarification. Don't lie to yourself, we are all "guilty".
As adolescents, we are constantly searching for ways to make sense of our unexplainable personalities and unexpected behaviors (which usually cause us to feel down right insane). The discovery of ancient astrology ideals, the sun, the moon and your date of birth clues you in to your "sign", accurately articulating explanations of yourself that speak so clearly to you that it feels as if someone has discovered a secret passage way into your deepest, most obscure thoughts. Whether you learn that you are the creative pisces, the mature capricorn, the charming libra, or the free spirited aquarius, the discovery and understanding of your signs attributes opens the doors to a world of new found self realizations and communal comfort.
artwork by ana mishek
Typically, the sign that we all turn to is our sun sign. This defines our overall being; our soul. However our rising sign and moon sign also give monumental insight into complex notions of what makes an individual l tick. The moon sign represents our 'insides'; emotions, fears, wants, and needs, making itself known in intimate relationships and emotional endeavors. On the contrary, the rising sign represents how the world sees us; specifically first impressions we make on people and how we want to be viewed by others. This often reflects our childhood and the environment in which we were born into.
Recently, I found this website called "color scope". With the input of your birth date, place, and time it tells you your sun, rising, and moon sign, which each correspond to a specific color and attribute. Your "colorscope" is a circle comprised of three different rings- the color of your rising on the outside, sun in the middle and moon on the inside. In my colorscope, I found that not only were the descriptions, but the colors of my three signs seemingly spot on (colors that I am highly attracted to aesthetically). Being excited and a bit puzzled by it, I wanted to find out if other people were experiencing the same thing. Various friends of mine found their scope and discovered that the colors in their circle hold uncanny representations of their personality and "vibe". Reflecting my results, these colors also appeared to be forms of different shades that they are attracted to, especially in how they present themselves aesthetically.
Lily precisely communicates her colorscope in this unplanned photo I took of her. Sporting a suede orange 90s jacket and legs for days (she is at least 6 feet), she is an aesthetic poster girl for Sagittareans who are usually tall and lanky. Though Lily has retired her once green hair & moved on to her moon sign's dark blue, she still emanates the vibrants tones of earth. In her bright green sea punk sunglasses and oversized dark green jacket Lily can often be found amongst the diverse shades of trees on a early afternoon hike.
rising sign: taurus, green "physical form"
sun sign: sagittarius, orange "enthusiasm"
moon sign: aquarius, indigo blue "independent heart"
As I have become increasingly immersed in astrological findings, I have come across accurate depictions of various aspects of my friends, myself and our personalities. I have been assisted in making sense of my perfectly balancing friendships with pieces as well as come to terms with my equal adoration and abhorrence for taurus men, and more. Astrology, in many ways, is like a religion.
Though we don't "worship" the sun, stars, and moon- we do indeed turn to them for answers, finding meaning in things we don't necessarily understand.
Whether you are a "believer" or a "non believer" I advise you to investigate, and challenge the disclosing stars- unlatch your mind and dwell in the thrill of a universe that may or may not behold simple elucidations of the complex individual.
(warning: obsessive reliance on horoscopes, sign descriptions, and compatibility ranks can become severely unhealthy and I advice you to not take anything too seriously- this shit is just trippy )
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